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easyRights project is working towards a European Standard!

Laura Gavrilut

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

After more than 2 years of work, the easyRights consortium - led by Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies - has developed a new and innovative standard - named Mediation Grammar: a standard to enable migrants integration - for assessing and benchmarking the outcomes of the services delivered to refugees and regular migrants by EU based local government bodies and agencies.

This important outcome is the starting point of a longer process, and it will be under the guidance of the Italian Standardization Body (UNI) with the ultimate goal, to bring the new standard to the recognition of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN). The process of transforming the concept of the Mediation Grammar into a European standard will require the implementation of a series of 4-5 workshops under the form of meetings, taking place in between September 2022 to December 2022 under the guidance of UNI. The scope of these workshops will be to develop a document that will be the first draft of the standard.

The series of workshops kicked off in the beginning of September and it will be followed by a second workshop on 21st of October from 15:30 - 17:30 CET.

Stay tuned for the second workshop link and agenda!

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