Partner Projects

In "MICADO: Migrant Integration Cockpits and Dashboards", experts from public administration, migration research, and IT create an EU-wide applicable business intelligence solution in support of migrant integration, and pilot it in Antwerp, Bologna, Hamburg, and Madrid. The solution leverages existing and new data to design attractive digital services for three user groups: 1) public authorities for labour, health, education and housing, 2) engaged civic society, and 3) migrants and refugees.
Added value is generated by a) delivery of customized information and services via user-centric interfaces (dashboards, cockpits); b) gathering of data consensually provided by migrants and helpers in their cockpits; c) creation of strategic operational knowledge through data analysis and visualisation; and d) direct communication and data exchange between involved stakeholders and institutions. Key technical innovations are chatbot language interfaces and automatic translation services for the migrants' cockpit, which facilitate access to integration services, communication with authorities, and data acquisition.
Besides the technical solution, MICADO creates in local co-design sessions a universal service package, e.g. location and activity mapping, personal profiling, or matchmaking for mentors, jobs, education, etc. The workplan ensures extensive demand analysis and co-creation with user groups in the pilot locations. This identifies common challenges for the concept convergence phase, which produces the requirements for technical design and development. A resulting “universal” MICADO solution has monitored pilot implementations in the four cities, results of which are fed back into final iterations of technical development of the project partners. In the final project phase, co-development activities with local communities and institutions ensure uptake and local adaptation of the basic MICADO solution, and initiate context-specific modifications.
WELCOME is an EU funded project which aims to research and develop intelligent technologies for support of the reception and integration of migrants in Europe. WELCOME will offer a personalized and psychologically and socially competent solution for both migrants and public administrations. It will develop immersive and intelligent services, in which embodied intelligent multilingual agents will act as dedicated personalized assistants of migrants in contexts of registration, orientation, language teaching, civic education, and social and societal inclusion.
WELCOME will deliver a mobile device-based platform, which will facilitate the interaction of TCNs with virtual agents, and a desktop-based solution for the support of authorities.
WELCOME addresses the following innovation objectives:
Co-design of technologies for TCN reception, integration and inclusion and support of authorities
Development of service coordination and dialogue management technologies for intelligent conversational agents
Development of multilingual language technologies
Design of knowledge representation schemata and development of knowledge acquisition and interpretation technologies
Realization of personalized immersive TCN-agent interaction environments
Provision of personalized decision support for authorities

MIICT (ICT Enabled Services for Migration) was conceived with the goal of designing, developing and deploying tools that address the challenge of migrant integration. The project undertakes to co-create improved ICT-enabled services with migrants, refugees, public sector services, NGOs (Non-Governmental-Organisations) and other interest groups. By involving research-users at the centre of our approach we address the need to improve and customise the interfaces used to access key public services so that they better address the requirements of migrants and refugees.

NADINE is a three-year Horizon 2020 innovation project which will harness the potential of big data and artificial intelligence to support migrant integration across Europe. NADINE recognises that smooth access to employment is a key ingredient in successful integration of migrants in their new societies. Individual needs in accessing the labour market are determined by who we are, where we come from, what skills we have and the socio-cultural and material contexts in which we are placed. Societal norms and routines in regards to work, education, family life, consumption and recreation greatly determine our expectations as well as our ability and/or willingness to change those expectations in a new country. Without a comprehensive understanding of these factors, public policy measures to integrate migrants at individual or societal level are likely to fail.
The NADINE platform aims to use open data to gain a better understanding of migrant realities and the challenges associated with their integration. Data about local services and migrants will feed user-friendly tools for employability and career guidance, whilst assessing supply and demand of migrants’ skills.The platform will also focus on the social, educational and cultural needs of migrants and how these fit to existing services offered by local hosts. Overall the system will allow public authorities and guidance professionals to offer a personalised service to migrants based on real needs and the opportunities available to them.


REBUILD main objective is to improve migrants and refugees integration processes in Europe through the development of ICT-based solutions, aiming at enhancing the efficiency level in local authorities’ service provision and the immigrants’ quality of life. Actually, the starting point is the awareness about the gap between the supply of public services and the actual possibility of accessing them for immigrants and refugees.
This objective will be achieved through the realization of an application that may be used by immigrants and refugees to assure a better interaction among them and with public administrations and a more effective matching between the immigrants’ needs and the supply of services in the hosting countries.
The typologies of services being considered are based on set of rights of which the immigrants are entitled, but they are not limited to these:
Access to education
Residence permit
Welfare services
Access to accommodation
Access to procedures for the recognition of professional skills
Services for unaccompanied minors
Other services

ITFLOWS will generate novel insights on migration. The purpose of ITFLOWS is to provide accurate predictions and adequate management solutions of migration flows in the European Union in the phases of reception, relocation, settlement and integration of migration, according to a wide range of human factors and using multiple sources of information. These insights will be provided by an evidence-based ICT enabled solution (the EUMigraTool) and precise models. All solutions will have fitness for purpose continually validated by policy-makers and practitioners in cooperation with civil-society organisations in a dynamic and iterative process.
ITFLOWS will propose tailor-made solutions for practitioners and policy makers for managing migration. On the one hand, the EUMigraTool targets first-line-practitioners, second-level reception organisations and municipalities. It will provide modular solutions based on the prediction of migration flows and the identification of risks of tensions between migrants and EU citizens. On the other hand, an in-depth analysis on drivers, patterns and choices of migration as well as public sentiment towards migration will lead to the drafting of adequate recommendations and good practices for policy makers, governments and EU institutions.