High-Level Policy Roundtable On the Future of Migrants Integration

More details
The easyRights project will present the “CWA 18014:2023 (Mediation Grammar)”, a methodology ready to become a standard in support of migrants’ integration. Public administrations and service providers of Member States of the European Union will benefit from a novel approach and opportunity when dealing with foreign (non-EU) immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees legally entitled to stay in the territories.
The event will gather among others, representatives of member states, European Institutions, Agencies established by the European Commission, and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
The Mediation Grammar provides a measurement system of the experience and the degree of success of an immigrant interacting with a public body or agency for the sake of accessing a service or being acknowledged the exercise of a certain citizenship right.
The focus of measurement is set on the following gaps in the mediation of rights made possible by the service:
linguistic accessibility for the non-natives;
clarity and usability of the information provided to the immigrants;
consideration of the existence of connections between the results to be achieved by the current interaction and additional rights/services to be enforced/accessed afterward.
Each of the three gaps is further articulated into specifications, which can be considered as variables to be controlled for during the provision of services (of any kind) to the immigrants.
To implement the MG, first, the current situation of a specific service is photographed, such as the technical conditions of its provision (particularly relevant in the case of digitalization), the number of beneficiaries served per unit of time, and the duration of the wait between the decision to submit an application and the achievement of the results linked to that particular service. Then, information on the beneficiaries of the service is collected, such as their origin, culture, etc., and the current gaps are defined, under the triple perspective of linguistic accessibility, adequacy of the information provided, and concatenation of the results to be achieved. Finally, measures to improve the service are adopted to increase the number of served beneficiaries per period or to reduce the waiting duration.
The MG was conceptualized during the lifetime of the H2020 easyRights project, starting from the experience of service delivery to foreign immigrants in the cities of Birmingham (UK), Larissa (EL), Malaga (ES), and Palermo (IT). Currently, it's being field tested in a public school in the city of Milan (IT).
We are now looking for additional pilot sites at the city, regional, and national levels in Europe, to further demonstrate the potential of the MG for the monitoring and evaluation of specific services provided to foreign immigrants. In perspective, this can lead to the creation of an EU-wide, outcome-based benchmarking model, helping assess and compare the performance of Member States in enforcing the non-discrimination principle lying behind the Common European Asylum System, irrespective of the heterogeneities in allocated resources (human, technical, financial).
Ultimately, the MG can concretely contribute to the ongoing debate on the harmonization of service delivery to immigrants across the EU countries.
The recording of the High-Level Policy Roundtable on the Future of Migrants Integration is available on the website of the European Commission.
22 February, 2024 at 11:00 to 13:00 CET, followed by a lunch
Why attend
To be briefed on the contents and potential uses and benefits of the Mediation Grammar in the framework of EU and MS reception, support, and integration policies and services addressing foreign immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
To discuss with like-minded people and institutions the advantages and implementation avenues of the Mediation Grammar in the framework of the harmonization, monitoring, and evaluation of the Common European Asylum System.
Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels.
Register here by 16/02/2024 to attend onsite.
Welcome (Marta Cygan, Director, DG HOME, EC), 11:00 - 11:10
Introduction (Stefano Calzolari, President of CEN), 11:10 - 11:20
The easyRights project and the Birth of CWA 18014:2023 (Mediation Grammar) (Grazia Concilio, Politecnico di Milano, and easyRights coordinator), 11:20 - 11:30
Understanding the CWA 18014:2023 (Mediation Grammar) and Its Implications (by Francesco Molinari, Politecnico di Milano), 11:30 - 11:45
Evidence from Testing the CWA 18014:2023 (Mediation Grammar) (by Maryam Karimi, Politecnico di Milano), 11:45 - 11:55
Q&A Session with Policy Experts, 11:55 - 12:55
Conclusions (Minna Wilkki, Head of Department C, REA, EC), 12:50 - 13:00
To find out more about easyRights and the CWA 18014:2023 (Mediation Grammar) click here, and check out this video.
The event will be openly accessible, recorded and the web streaming available here
This event is supported by the Italian Standards Body (UNI), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and the CALL Research Lab at POLIMI.